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Face / Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Aesthetic eyelid surgery is performed on adults of all ages. Many people seek this procedure to fix a tired appearance caused by eyelid hooding and sagging, to remove bulging fat pads, or simply to reduce the signs of aging.

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Reduce the Signs of Aging

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, in Toronto with Royal College-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Marc DuPéré can help both men and women regain an alert, energetic appearance.

Blepharoplasty can improve both your appearance and your vision. Request a consultation online with Dr. Marc DuPéré, or call our office at (416) 929-9800.

Asian Eyelids

Commonly referred to as the “double eyelid operation” or “inner crease, outer crease procedure,” Asian blepharoplasty is one of the most frequently performed procedures in aesthetic surgery in Asia and in Toronto.

Dr. DuPéré performs this surgery to give natural eyelid creases to patients who lack them in their upper lids, most often people of Asian descent. He uses several techniques, from a simple suture technique to a more detailed, controlled, and predictable external approach.

Asian upper eyelids tend to differ from the eyelids of other ethnic groups in a number of ways that can be addressed with surgery:

  • Difference in height and width of eyelid (palpebral) aperture
  • Upper lid crease, if it is present, can be shaped differently, with a small, tapered inner fold
  • Shorter upper cartilage (tarsus), making any crease that is present lower
  • Fuller upper lids with prominent fat pads

Complementary Procedures

Men and women considering eyelid surgery to create a more rested, alert appearance can often benefit by combining other procedures — both surgical and nonsurgical — with the operation. These are some of the procedures and treatments that Dr. DuPéré may recommend:

  • Facelift
  • Mini Facelift
  • Neck Lift
  • BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport™
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Chin Implant

A facelift addresses signs of aging that occur in the lower portion of the face. Combining a facelift with eyelid surgery is often an excellent way to produce comprehensive improvements to your appearance.

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In some cases, a less invasive approach to a facelift is all that’s needed to create a more youthful appearance. A mini facelift combined with eyelid surgery also addresses cosmetic concerns in both the upper and lower areas of the face.

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Loose neck skin and sagging neck muscles are sometimes noticed earlier than other signs of aging, much like droopy eyelids may be a concern before patients are ready for a facelift or mini facelift.

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Nonsurgical treatments such as BOTOX and Dysport injections can soften forehead wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, making an excellent complement to eyelid surgery.

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Dr. DuPéré’s skill with injectable treatments creates youthful contours that smooth out fine lines and wrinkles to match the refreshed appearance created by eyelid surgery.

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To bring harmony and definition to the lower part of the face, a chin implant can correct for early stages of aging in the neck. This helps patients achieve balance with the restored eyelid area.

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How Can Eyelid Surgery Help?

Some people have eyelid surgery to correct problems resulting from aging. Others seek treatment as early as their 20s and 30s to correct inherited traits. Eyelid surgery can help people of any age by:

  • Removing excess skin
  • Minimizing wrinkles and herniated fat pads
  • Reducing the appearance of under-eye bags
  • Restoring or creating an upper lid crease
  • Improving the upper lid surface area for easier and sexier makeup application
  • Improving both vision and aesthetics by correcting eyelid hooding and sagging

Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

Your sutures will be removed after 5 to 7 days. You should avoid doing anything that causes irritation or dryness in your eyes, including wearing contact lenses, while you recover. Most blepharoplasty patients can resume desk work after 5 days at home, although many people postpone returning to work until after their stitches are removed and bruising has faded.

  • Most eyelid surgery patients can return home on the same day as their procedure. If necessary, we can arrange a supervised overnight stay.

  • You will likely experience some degree of temporary bruising and swelling. Most bruising can be covered with makeup after the stitches are removed.

Risks and Complications

Every surgery comes with potential risks. Though serious complications are rare, Dr. DuPéré educates all eyelid surgery patients about risks such as: scarring, eyelid retraction, opening of the wound, dry eye, temporary discomfort, bleeding and bruising around the surgical sites, loss of sensation over the surgical site and around the scar, fluid accumulation (seroma and hematoma), infection, nerve and vessel injury, corneal abrasion, permanent eye damage, damage to eyelashes, and skin pigmentation changes.

FAQ’s About Eyelid Surgery

  • What is eyelid surgery, and how is it performed?

    Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or eye lift, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the eyelids. It involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids to address concerns such as sagging, puffiness, and wrinkles. It may also involve repositioning or transposing excessive fat to an area needing volume such as the tear troughs. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation (upper lids) or general anesthesia (lower lids and when lid surgery is done with another procedure such as a facelift), and incisions are strategically placed along the natural creases of the eyelids for minimal scarring.

  • Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

    Good candidates for eyelid surgery are individuals who have drooping, sagging eyelids, puffiness, eye bags or excess skin that creates an aged or tired appearance. Candidates should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure, and not have any medical conditions that could increase the risks of surgery.  A strong an elastic lower lid is required, otherwise a lower lid tightening procedure (usually a canthopexy) will be suggested at the same time.

  • Will eyelid surgery address my under-eye bags?

    Yes, eyelid surgery can address under-eye bags and puffiness. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty involves removing or repositioning fat deposits that contribute to under-eye bags, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

  • How long is the recovery period after eyelid surgery?

    The recovery period for eyelid surgery varies from person to person, but most patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort for the first week or two. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for about two weeks, and patients can usually resume regular daily activities and work within a week or two.

  • Will there be visible scarring after eyelid surgery?

    Dr. DuPéré employs advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring and strategically places incisions in the natural creases of the eyelids to make them less noticeable. Over time, the incision lines fade, and any residual scarring is typically well-concealed within the eyelid’s natural contours and natural creases.

  • Are the results of eyelid surgery permanent?

    While eyelid surgery can produce long-lasting results, it does not stop the natural aging process. As you continue to age, you may experience some gradual changes in the appearance of your eyelids. The brows may also descend over time which would worsen the aging of the upper lids; sagging brows can be addressed with a brow lift. However, many patients enjoy the rejuvenated results of eyelid surgery for years to come.

  • Can eyelid surgery be combined with other procedures?

    Yes, eyelid surgery can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as facelift, brow lift, temporal implant, rhinoplasty or injectable treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers. Dr. DuPéré will assess your unique needs and goals to create a personalized treatment plan that may include a combination of procedures to achieve the best results.

  • Will eyelid surgery affect my vision?

    Eyelid surgery is primarily performed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids and rejuvenate the eyes’ overall look. However, in some cases, the procedure can also improve vision if excess skin on the upper eyelids obstructs the field of view.

  • How can I get started with eyelid surgery?

    To get started with eyelid surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Marc DuPéré. During this appointment, you will discuss your goals, concerns, and medical history, allowing Dr. DuPéré to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. Dr. DuPéré’s expertise in eyelid surgery ensures that you receive the highest level of care and achieve beautifully refreshed and rejuvenated eyelids.