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Face / Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery

People who were born with overly large or protruding ears can improve their appearance by having cosmetic surgery. Dr. Marc DuPéré performs otoplasty (ear surgery) for Toronto men, women, and children who would like to have their ears made surgically smaller or set closer to their heads.

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How Can Ear Surgery Help?

Otoplasty can relieve you of the embarrassment and self-consciousness associated from overly large ears. Request a consultation online with Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Marc DuPéré, or call our office at (416) 929-9800.

This procedure improves the appearance of your ears by:

  • Setting prominent ears closer to the head
  • Decreasing the size of large ears
  • Reducing elongated ear lobes
  • Repairing torn lobes caused by heavy earrings

Dr. DuPéré’s Ear Surgery Techniques

Your ear surgery may take place under general anesthesia or IV sedation with a local anesthetic.

Otoplasty can take many different forms. The details of your procedure will depend on the nature and extent of modification you are hoping to achieve.

Dr. DuPéré learned his surgical techniques during training at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children and during his fellowship in Paris. Dr. DuPéré takes many steps to assure a stable and permanent result in setting your ears closer to your head:

  • The incision is placed behind the ear, so it is well hidden.
  • Any stubborn cartilage is weakened by multidirectional, evenly spaced scoring, as a carpenter would do to bend a piece of walnut or maple wood.
  • Multiple strategically placed permanent sutures are positioned between the ear conchal cartilage (the cartilaginous bowl) and the posterior scalp tissue.
  • Multiple strategically placed permanent sutures are positioned between the cartilage at the top of the ear (helix cartilage) and the ear conchal cartilage.
  • An ellipse of skin is excised.
  • Custom mini-bolster dressings are applied.
  • Elongated earlobes are reduced.
  • Torn earlobes are repaired.

Some ear surgery patients may also benefit from other facial procedures such as face lift and neck lift or fat grafting. Dr. DuPéré will sometimes use cartilage harvested during otoplasty to improve the appearance of the patient’s nose with a rhinoplasty procedure.

Recovering from Ear Surgery

Most of our ear surgery patients can return home on the day of their surgery. You will likely be sent home with bandages around your head to protect the surgical repair. Dr. DuPéré will remove the bandages after a week. You will then wear a sport-type head band at home and during the night for a few weeks.

  • Most ear surgery patients can return to desk work or school within 7 to 10 days after surgery.

  • Your stitches will be removed after a week.

Risks and Complications

Every surgery comes with potential risks. Though serious complications are rare, Dr. DuPéré educates all ear surgery patients about risks such as: scarring, opening of the wound, temporary discomfort, bleeding and bruising around the surgical sites, loss of sensation over the surgical site and around the scar, fluid accumulation (seroma and hematomas), infection, nerve and vessel injury, skin and cartilage necrosis, asymmetry, and relapse of the ear deformity.