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Injectables / BOTOX COSMETIC® and Dysport®

Botox Toronto

At Visage Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Toronto, BOTOX and Dysport injections are available. If you are considering BOTOX COSMETIC or Dysport, request a consultation or call us to book your personalized appointment with Royal College-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Marc DuPéré.

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Benefits of Botox

Removal of signs of aging has proven to dramatically boost patient’s confidence, self-esteem but other than that Botox injections has various benefits:

  • Treatment of Migraine pain: Botox can help relax muscles that might be causing migraine pains.
  • Reduction of Prostate Gland: When injected into the prostate gland, Botox can help improve urination and reduce the need to frequently urinate.
  • Hyperhydrosis reduction: Botox treatment is proven to reduce excessive sweating.
  • Muscle spasms: Used as a nerve impulse blocker this assists in treating movement disorders.
  • Strabismus: Strabismus also refers to crossed eyes and by injecting Botox into your eyes this issue can be fixed,
  • Non-surgical solution: Cosmetic surgeries can be very scary thus the best thing about Botox treatment is that it is a hassle-free non-surgical method to get rid of unwanted wrinkles.


Three neuromodulator medications exist on the Canadian market that utilize botulinum toxin A as an active ingredient. Botulinum toxin has been used for medical indications for more than 30 years and for cosmetic use for more than 15 years. To differentiate the 3 medications, each was given a different name: Botox injections (onabotulinumtoxin A), Dysport (abobotulinumtoxin A), and XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxin A).

Disclaimer: BOTOX COSMETIC, Dysport, and XEOMIN are Schedule F drugs in Canada under the Food and Drug Regulations Health Canada. It is forbidden to advertise such medications. For this reason, we are restricted in the amount of information that we can provide to the public. It is best to contact our office with your questions or, even better, to come and visit us to learn more.

All 3 medications are injected in different doses, so 1 unit of botox injection does not equal 1 unit of Dysport, results may vary. This means BOTOX COSMETIC, Dysport, and XEOMIN are not directly interchangeable.

An average dose of botox injection for women would be 50 to 75 units. An average dose for men would be 60 to 100 units.

Botox Results and Recovery

Botox injections has very quick results and minimal recovery time which is why it’s called a lunch break procedure. Best results can be visible within 24 hours to 3 days and it takes around 1 to 2 weeks to get the full result as it takes some time for the muscles to relax.

Some precautions that patients might want to take after getting Botox are avoiding any exercise and lying down till after the 4 hours of getting the treatment as results may vary. It is also advised to avoid taking any blood thinners to prevent bruising of the skin and also avoid massaging the treatment area.

Some of the common types of wrinkles treated with Botox are:

  • Dynamic Wrinkles

    Dynamic Wrinkles form due to facial expressions like laughing, frowning, crying, smiling. As we start to age the effects of these normal facial movements can start to show through wrinkles, even habits like smoking or drinking from a straw may form dynamic lines and wrinkles. As these lines and wrinkles can easily be cured with Botox treatments.

  • Static Wrinkles

    Static Wrinkles form because of aging because our skin starts to become thinner and lose its strength and elasticity. Static wrinkles are not formed due to movements which is why the best results of a Botox treatment on them might differ from the best results of a Botox treatment on Dynamic Wrinkles.

Safety and Side Effects

There are minimal side effects of Botox treatment ranging from some bruising and redness which disappears in a few hours. Botox is a very safe procedure but you have to make sure you get it done by a professional like Visage Clinic at the Toronto plastic surgery center.

Process of administration of Botox and Dysport

Visage Clinic administers Botox treatments himself and does not leave it up to the nurses. Thus, you are in great hands as he has years of experience. He starts by injecting the skin with very small injections which feels like a pinch and is painless. The treatment only takes 5-10 mins. Results may vary

How long do the results of Botox and Dysport last?

Results usually last till 3 to 4 months but when used for cases like excessive sweating they can last for 6 months.

What not to do after Botox?

For best results some of these rules should be followed:

  • Exercise: take it easy for about 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Alcohol consumption: Consuming alcohol could causing bruising after the procedure so avoid alcohol consumption for a while.
  • Blood thinners: Avoid blood thinners to prevent bruising or excessive bleeding.
  • Heat exposure: Avoid going in the sun to prevent further redness and swelling after the procedure.
  • Sleeping on your face: Avoid sleeping on your face to prevent Botox from shifting to another site.

Frequently Asked Questions About Botox

  • What is the difference between BOTOX, Dysport®, and XEOMIN®?

    All 3 products use the same active molecule, but they differ in the accessory molecules, the country of production, the potency, and their packaging. I have the most experience with BOTOX and Dysport. Doses are different if one is getting BOTOX versus Dysport.

  • Will BOTOX make me feel numb?

    No. BOTOX works on only motor nerves, so it will only affect muscle contraction and therefore wrinkles. BOTOX has no effect on sensory nerves, so you will still feel the skin where the BOTOX was injected.

  • Will BOTOX make me look frozen?

    This is when your BOTOX expert comes into play. There is art to injecting BOTOX for a natural and soft look. Most patients do not want the frozen look, so it is important to choose a BOTOX injector who will listen to your wishes and provide you with the look you desire. At Visage Clinic, we most often aim for a soft and natural result.

  • Does BOTOX hurt?

    All injections have a component of discomfort. That being said, I use the smallest needles for a very minimal discomfort. I also commonly use cryotherapy (ice) and topical anesthetic cream. The treatment is relatively quick, and the discomfort is over in a few minutes.

  • Does BOTOX have side effects?

    Of course, but very rarely, and BOTOX is no different than other medications. Fortunately, those side effects are usually temporary and include bruising, eyelid and eyebrow drooping, and asymmetry. Choosing an experienced and qualified injector minimizes those risks. Results may vary.

  • Why does the cost vary so much between clinics?

    It is true that costs vary, but so do the quality of the work and the aesthetic results. Plastic surgeons have a complete knowledge of the anatomy learned over 5 years of training. The number of years of experience will also influence the cost.

    Some injectors inject everyone the same way — a cookie-cutter technique. Your aesthetic plastic surgeon is also an artist and will provide you with a customized treatment for optimal results. I personally inject all my patients. Not only do I enjoy this part of my plastic surgery practice, but I also believe I can deliver the optimal aesthetic results. One should also consider that not all products are equal. Finally, the BOTOX is shipped to us as frozen, dried, sterile powder, and we, the injectors, must reconstitute it by adding a precise amount of sterile solution. Some clinics have been known for over-diluting their products, and this may be reflected in their lower prices.

  • What is the difference between BOTOX, Dysport®, and XEOMIN®?

    All 3 products use the same active molecule, but they differ in the accessory molecules, the country of production, the potency, and their packaging. I have the most experience with BOTOX and Dysport. Doses are different if one is getting BOTOX versus Dysport.

  • Will BOTOX make me feel numb?

    No. BOTOX works on only motor nerves, so it will only affect muscle contraction and therefore wrinkles. BOTOX has no effect on sensory nerves, so you will still feel the skin where the BOTOX was injected.

  • Will BOTOX make me look frozen?

    This is when your BOTOX expert comes into play. There is art to injecting BOTOX for a natural and soft look. Most patients do not want the frozen look, so it is important to choose a BOTOX injector who will listen to your wishes and provide you with the look you desire. At Visage Clinic, we most often aim for a soft and natural result.

  • Does BOTOX hurt?

    All injections have a component of discomfort. That being said, I use the smallest needles for a very minimal discomfort. I also commonly use cryotherapy (ice) and topical anesthetic cream. The treatment is relatively quick, while results may vary, the discomfort is over in a few minutes.

  • Does BOTOX have side effects?

    Of course, but very rarely, and BOTOX is no different than other medications. Fortunately, those side effects are usually temporary and include bruising, eyelid and eyebrow drooping, and asymmetry. Choosing an experienced and qualified injector minimizes those risks.

  • Why does the cost vary so much between clinics?

    It is true that costs vary, but so do the quality of the work and the aesthetic best results. Plastic surgeons have a complete knowledge of the anatomy learned over 5 years of training. The number of years of experience will also influence the cost, as results may vary.

    Some injectors inject everyone the same way — a cookie-cutter technique. Your aesthetic plastic surgeon is also an artist and will provide you with a customized treatment for optimal best results. I personally inject all my patients. Not only do I enjoy this part of my plastic surgery practice, but I also believe I can deliver the optimal aesthetic best results. One should also consider that not all products are equal. Finally, the BOTOX is shipped to us as frozen, dried, sterile powder, and we, the injectors, must reconstitute it by adding a precise amount of sterile solution. Some clinics have been known for over-diluting their products, and this may be reflected in their lower prices.

  • What is the ideal age to start BOTOX?

    There is no ideal age as long as there are wrinkles to hide or soften. I personally had forehead wrinkles when I entered medical school at age 19, likely genetic in my case. Others don’t have wrinkles until their 40s. Boto treatmentcan also be used to give a slight brow lift, and this is often used in ladies in their 30s.

  • Who are the best candidates for BOTOX?

    Anyone with wrinkles to hide could be a candidate. Younger people do tend to require a lesser amount. If someone starts later in time, he or she may also need some fillers in addition to BOTOX; this is often seen when treating deep lines between the eyebrows. I also like to use it to provide an outer brow lift when someone is not ready for surgery. People who suffer from excessive sweating are also possible good candidates for BOTOX treatment.

  • Do my wrinkles get worse if I stop?

    No. Once someone stops her or his botox treatment, the wrinkle will slowly return to what it used to be, not worse.

  • How quickly will I see the effects?

    The time it takes for BOTOX to take effect varies slightly between individuals, but the average is 2 to 5 days after treatment.

  • Is there a healing period post injections?

    Recovery after wrinkle treatment with BOTOX injections is quite easy and simple. It is common to see small mosquito bite-like swelling for 15 to 30 minutes, after which nothing shows. It is therefore quite common to see patients coming during their lunch breaks. Rarely, a small bruise may be seen for 1 to 5 days, and this can easily be covered with makeup.

  • How much in advance should I get my treatment prior to a special event?

    I recommend a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks prior to a serious life event such as a wedding, Christmas, or a birthday. It allows enough time for an adjustment, should it be needed, and for a small bruise to disappear. This is even more important if it is your first time. For the best outcome, your plastic surgeon usually customizes your treatment, so if it is your first time, see your surgeon well ahead of your Big Day!

  • Can BOTOX be used with other injectables such as fillers?

    Absolutely! BOTOX and fillers are like a happy couple. Most people use a combination of both, keeping in mind that BOTOX relaxes muscles and fillers — such as Restylane®, JUVÉDERM®, and Emervel® — actually fill up areas where age-related loss of volume has occurred.

  • Can BOTOX be administered outside a medical office?

    BOTOX is a prescription medication and, although rare, allergic reactions are possible. BOTOX should be administered under a doctor’s supervision and in a medical office. This is for your safety.