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Hair Restoration (FUE vs FUT) / SmartGraft™

SmartGraft™: A Smart Choice for Hair Restoration

Today, hair restoration is available in many different iterations. The 2 most popular techniques, FUT (or the “strip”) method and FUE (follicular unit extraction) are widely available. Although Dr. Marc DuPéré is skilled in both, FUE seems to be the future of hair transplant in Toronto. One technique in particular stands out amongst the rest: SmartGraft. Learn why it’s beloved by Dr. DuPéré and our patients alike.

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SmartGraft vs. NeoGraft®

If you research hair restoration in Toronto, you know that NeoGraft and SmartGraft are popular choices. Although both technologies use follicular unit extraction, we prefer SmartGraft for several distinct reasons:

  • Thanks to its closed harvesting system, SmartGraft reduces graft exposure to the air. Instead, the grafts are stored in sterile saline before transplantation, improving their likelihood of survival.
  • SmartGraft uses a reduced harvest time, improving both the patient’s and the surgeon’s experiences.
  • The SmartGraft handpiece is smaller and lighter, ensuring an ergonomic experience for the harvester and less fatigue.
  • The vacuum suction’s strength has been increased by 52%, shortening harvest time and reducing physical trauma to the follicles, increasing their likelihood of survival. The damage rate is about 5%.
  • The follicle survival rate is around 90% when SmartGraft FUE is performed by experienced harvesters and planters.

What is the SmartGraft Process and Why is it Better?

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SmartGraft vs. ARTAS

ARTAS is a robotic FUE system that is not widely used. Here’s why:

  • ARTAS only creates good results on flat surfaces and is therefore not useful on the curvature of the head.
  • The rate of follicular damage is around 20%—much higher than SmartGraft’s 5%.
  • Procedures are longer and patients are strapped down, making them feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable.
  • The ARTAS machine is quite large and cumbersome.
  • The procedure requires the entire head to be shaved.
  • Typically, an ARTAS treatment is more costly than other types of grafting procedures.
  • ARTAS is largely the result of marketing hype with minimal evidence behind it.

A Natural-Looking Outcome

SmartGraft is a wonderful option for hair restoration because its technology is responsible for creating incredibly natural-looking results. The patient’s own hair follicles are carefully placed in a way that complements and enhances features. When looking at individual hair follicles under magnification, you can see that hair grows in small follicular “units.” Each unit can have multiple hairs—up to 4. When restoring hair—not just on the scalp—it is important that your hair restoration doctor knows how to strategically imitate nature correctly to avoid a “transplanted” look. Knowledge of how to place multi-hair follicular units as well as asymmetrical implantation can go a long way toward creating natural-looking results.

Another major appeal of FUE is that there is no visible scarring. Previous versions of hair restoration typically created a long, linear scar on the back of the head.


SmartGraft is an exceptional choice for both male and female patients. One of its showcase features is its ability to restore hair throughout the body. Although not as common as scalp restoration, SmartGraft can be used to create natural-looking fullness on the following areas:

Temporal crest
Hair loss after facial surgery
Chest hair
Pubic hair

Learn more about why Dr. DuPéré is Toronto’s premier choice for hair restoration. Request your consultation online or call us at (416) 929-9800 to book your appointment.