Dr. DuPéré’s Laser Skin Resurfacing Techniques
Dr. DuPéré applies laser energy to the treated areas, causing light thermal damage to the underlying dermis and epidermis. This triggers the formation of new epidermis and new collagen fibers in the dermis, which eventually tighten the overlying skin as a result. These principles apply to many technologies using light or radio waves. Examples include intense pulsed light (IPL), Thermage® and electrical stimulation.
Laser skin resurfacing is best combined with an appropriate supervised skincare treatment. The use of injectable wrinkle treatments and dermal fillers can also enhance the results.
Skin resurfacing is performed with the Sciton® erbium technology. This treatment softens sharp edges of surface irregularities, including acne, scars, and fine wrinkles, especially around the mouth. It can also prove beneficial for acne scars but does require some downtime. It is not recommended for darker skin because of its potential for hypopigmentation. If the downtime is a significant factor for our patients contemplating resurfacing, we can divide the treatments into “fractions,” hence profractional treatment. Using 6 smaller treatments at several weeks apart, the benefits of resurfacing are obtained with less downtime.