This patient came to us looking to feel refreshed and happy again. She felt her appearance was making her seem older than she felt.
Procedure(s): Lip Lift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis very lively lady in her earlier fifties felt that the excess skin on her neck and face made her appear older and not happy.
Procedure(s): Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis patient was looking to feel refreshed. Being constantly out in the sun had aged his skin making him look older than he felt.
Procedure(s): Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Gender Female Race White
Procedure(s): Facelift, Fat Grafting, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis is a 56 year old lady who was very unhappy with her reflection in the mirror. An out-going and active lady she felt that her excess skin around her neck and jawline made her look much
Procedure(s): Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis lovely petite woman came to Visage Clinic in Toronto for a consultation with Dr. Marc DuPéré, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. She was not sure what she needed, but knew that she did not like
Procedure(s): Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré