Case Details 1. Browlift, Forehead Lift, Frontal Bossing, Scalp Advancement; Lip Lift Chin/Jawline Reduction; Fact Graft to Face 2. 7/6/2020: FUT Strip Grafing 3. Lower Face and Necklift; Abdominoplasty/Liposuction 4. Rhinoplasty 5. Hair Transplant – FUT Strip Grafting Gender Trans Female
Procedure(s): Facelift, Facial Procedures, Forehead Reduction/Scalp Advancement, Frontal Bossing;, Hair Restoration, Jawline Reduction, Lip Lift, Necklift, Rhinoplasty
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Gender Female
Procedure(s): Browlift, Chin Implants, Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Facial Procedures, Fat Grafting, Lip Lift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Gender Female
Procedure(s): Chin Implants, Facial Procedures, Lip Lift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis patient came to our clinic seeking lips with more of a heart shape look. She already had beautiful large lips to begin with so Dr. DuPere decided she would benefit from a central lip lift to
Procedure(s): Lip Lift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréLoverly female patient with a long white lip very little teeth showing with smiling, normal lip, I performed the bullhorn lip lift.
Procedure(s): Lip Lift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré