Case Details 1. Browlift, Forehead Lift, Frontal Bossing, Scalp Advancement; Lip Lift Chin/Jawline Reduction; Fact Graft to Face 2. 7/6/2020: FUT Strip Grafing 3. Lower Face and Necklift; Abdominoplasty/Liposuction 4. Rhinoplasty 5. Hair Transplant – FUT Strip Grafting Gender Trans Female
Procedure(s): Facelift, Facial Procedures, Forehead Reduction/Scalp Advancement, Frontal Bossing;, Hair Restoration, Jawline Reduction, Lip Lift, Necklift, Rhinoplasty
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Gender Female
Procedure(s): Browlift, Chin Implants, Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Facial Procedures, Fat Grafting, Lip Lift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis lovely patient came to see us for a Secondary Lower Facelift with Anterior Muscle Repair; scar revision to primary facelift scars (done overseas 12 years ago) and Blepharoplasty – upper eyelid surgery.
Procedure(s): Facelift, Facial Procedures
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis very lively lady in her earlier fifties felt that the excess skin on her neck and face made her appear older and not happy.
Procedure(s): Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis patient was looking to feel refreshed. Being constantly out in the sun had aged his skin making him look older than he felt.
Procedure(s): Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Gender Female Race White
Procedure(s): Facelift, Fat Grafting, Necklift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré