Case Details
This very healthy and active mid sixty year young patient had polio as a child as a result, her left calf was much smaller than her right. She had never been comfortable wearing skirts or shorts and decided to see what could be done to make her calves more symmetrical.
In her re-search on the internet, she discovered that soft silicone gel calf implants are successfully used to correct deformities resulting from injury or nerve diseases that result in muscle atrophy. These deformities include Polio, club foot and spina bifida. She also discovered that the most renowned Board Certified Plastic Surgeon performing calf and body implants is Top Toronto Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc DuPéré. She scheduled a consultation.
At her personal consultation, Dr. Marc DuPéré explained in great detail how the calf implant is placed between the muscle and the fascia, where the scar is placed behind the knee where there already is a line, the risks of the calf implants, the recovery time after calf implant and the cost of calf implants in Toronto. Dr. DuPéré gave the patient extremely real expectations as to what improve she could expect. The patient decided to have the procedure done.
Six weeks after a normal calf implant recovery, the patient is ecstatic with her results. She came into the office wearing a skirt, something she never did before!
- Age 65
- Gender Female
- Race White