Case Details
This is a very interesting professional gentleman who wanted to have a more rounded buttock. As a young man, he was very much into lifting weights and was quite muscular. As he aged, he has kept his body trim and not bulky, but was not happy to see that his buttock was becoming flatter and less rounded. When wearing jeans, the curve was no longer there.
Through diligent research, he realized that in North America, Dr. Marc DuPéré, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Toronto, is one of few elite surgeons that preform buttock augmentation successfully and that Dr. DuPéré is renowned for his artistic and natural looking body sculpting techniques. This procedure is also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift.
After several discussions via Skype with Dr. DuPéré regarding the buttock augmentation procedure using silicone gel implants, plastic surgery recovery time and the cost of plastic surgery in Toronto, he decided to go ahead with the butt augmentation procedure in Toronto.
Six weeks later, the patient is extremely satisfied and happy with the results. His buttock is higher and is much more rounded, looking like it did during the time he was lifting weights regularly. Jeans now look great on him!
- Age 49
- Gender Male
- Race White