Case Details
This very active thirty seven year old wanted more definition to the back of his calves. His upper body and thighs were extremely toned and well defined, but the calf area on each leg lacked the muscular look he desired. Intense exercise did not help as the calf muscles are extremely hard to develop
While re-searching for solutions to increase the size of his calf muscles, he discovered cosmetic calf augmentation using a solid gel silicone implant. Soft solid silicone gel implants are frequently used to correct underdeveloped calf muscles resulting from genetics, injury or nerve diseases such as club feet.
Further re-search lead him to Top Toronto Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc DuPéré. Dr. Marc DuPéré is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that specializes in cosmetic body sculpting and is renowned as an elite aesthetic plastic surgeon. Dr. DuPéré is one of the few plastic surgeons in North America to have the critical artistic element to determine the right size, shape and positioning for the desired natural looking result. Dr. DuPéré assesses the proportions of the area to be corrected, then sculpts and places the implant giving harmony and balance to the body.
After a very thorough consultation at Visage Clinic with Dr. Marc DuPéré regarding realistic expectations, risks, plastic surgery recovery and the cost of calf augmentation in Toronto, this young man decided to proceed.
Six weeks later after a normal calf augmentation recovery, our patient is extremely impressed by the added muscle definition to his calves and will be wearing shorts in the warmer weather.
- Age 38
- Gender Male
- Race White