Case Details
This very lovely trans female came to see Toronto Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc DuPéré regarding facial feminization procedures. She was having difficulties finding a cosmetic plastic surgeon specializing in the surgeries required in the process of transitioning genders from either male to female or female to male. At Visage Clinic in Toronto, she found a very warm and friendly staff and a board certified plastic surgery specialist that is highly skilled with artistic eyes and hands of a sculptor.
Her eyelid or blepharoplasty surgery was the second surgery she had with Dr. Marc DuPéré. Her first procedure being a necklift and tightening with female jawline contouring that was very successful.
Our patient wanted her eyes to look more feminine with more lid showing for make-up. Dr. Marc DuPéré discussed realistically what her expectations could be and what possible risks are associated with upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. Our patient decided to proceed with feminizing her upper eyelids with blepharoplasty surgery.
As our patient is from outside of the province of Ontario, the after pictures were sent to us by the patient who is absolutely thrilled the results. Her eyes are more open and have a softer female appearance. And, as you can see, make-up now goes on very well!
- Race White