Case Details
This is a very petite and beautiful Asian woman who had a previous mini tummy tuck and liposuction, but now did not like back rolls that had formed and the thickening of the waist that often happens due to hormones and menopause. She wanted her smooth silhouette that she had before. She decided to have a consultation with Top Toronto Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc DuPéré to determine what her best options would be.
During the patient’s personal consultation with Toronto cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marc DuPéré, it was determined that she had a nice flat stomach but had isolated fat pockets on her back and hip areas. Dr. Marc DuPéré recommended that liposuction was her best option. After discussing the liposuction recovery, the risks associated with liposuction and the liposuction costs, she decided to proceed with the procedure.
During the procedure, Dr. Marc DuPéré removed a total of 1200 cc’s of excess fat via liposuction to the patient’s back rolls and waist area.
Six weeks later after an uneventful plastic surgery recovery, the patient stated she now could fit into clothing that was not possible for some time. Her waist was much smaller and her back was now smooth. She was ecstatic!
Age 44
Gender Female
Race Asian or Pacific Islander