No matter how much we weigh as we get older, there are 2 areas in the face that always lose volume: the tear troughs and the temples.
I have solutions for both: facial implants. At my Toronto practice, in the Yorkville neighborhood, I’m seeing more patients interested in solutions that are more permanent than facial fillers.
Synthetic implants provide excellent outcomes for women and men concerned about losing volume in the temples.
Volume loss in the temples can be associated with 6 things, most of them not being really desirable:
1. Normal aging
2. Weight loss
3. Serious medical condition including terminal diseases
4. HIV-medication-induced (fat) lipoatrophy
5. Anorexia nervosa
6. Excessive cardiovascular exercises (the daily long-distance jogger, example, the so-called “jogger face”)
The hollowing of the temples is seen above the zygomatic arch and below the temporal-frontal crest, and between the outside of the orbit and the temporal hairline. In our internal world, we non-elegantly call this characteristic “peanut head.”
I’ve traditionally used — and still do — hyaluronic acid fillers such as JUVÉDERM® and Restylane®. Even though newer, longer-lasting, and safer fillers are now available, they remain temporary solutions and must be repeated over time. Some patients do prefer the injectable route, as it does not involve surgery nor downtime. I also recommend trying fillers to restore volume to the temples at least once to see if you would like the effects of more fullness.
A newer approach is the use of temporal silicone implants. I can insert them with relative ease via a scalp incision that hidden in the hair. The procedure doesn’t require any hair shaving. I secure the implants deep under the temporal tissue layers. Several models and sizes exist and I can carve and customize the solid implants.
Cost varies slightly depending on the implant chosen and the type of anesthesia used during surgery.
Recovery is relatively simple, with minimal tenderness. Patients may want to avoid social settings because there is slight swelling and occasional bruising. Tenderness while chewing may also occur (the temporalis muscle where the implant is inserted is used in chewing).
Complications are very rare and include displacement, palpable edges, visible edges, infection, capsular contracture, hematoma, seroma, headache and tenderness with chewing in the immediate post-operative period.
Temple augmentation with implants is an excellent alternative for patients looking for a permanent solution to their temporal hollowing.
Dr. Marc DuPéré