Case Details Pre and Post Tummy Tuck and Breast lift, Mommy Makeover
Body Contouring, Breast Lift, Breast Procedures, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Case Details Gender: Female
Breast Lift, Breast Procedures
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Case Details Gender Female
Breast Lift, Breast Procedures
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Body Contouring, Breast Lift, Breast Procedures, Tummy Tuck
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
This patient came to our clinic after she had fallen a couple of weeks prior and seemed to have ruptured one of her breast implants. After some Q and A time
Breast Lift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Breast lift, Breast implants, Silicone Gel
Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Case Details Gender Female Race White
Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Mommy Makeover
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
Bilateral Breast Reduction, Bilateral Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction to knees and medical thighs.
Mommy Makeover
Breast Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré
This 59-year old lady did not like looking at her reflection naked. Age was not an issue, but she wanted a more youthful look to her body so she could enjoy fitted and tailored clothing.
Breast Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré