while male, mid forties, looking for a define torso
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréButtock augmentation
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Body Contouring, Buttock Implants, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis patient is a 61-year old professional male, who is a sport-enthusiast and loves to play volleyball. He came in a consultation at Visage Clinic in Toronto to see Board-Certified Plastic
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis is a very fit dancer, who was concerned with the love handles and the soft belly that he was developing as he aged even though he was continually active.
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréCase Details Age 43 Gender Female Race White
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis patient came to us after already successfully losing 25 lbs. He was looking for some sculpted abs to match his new healthier lifestyle and diet. Dr. DuPere and the patient discussed abdmominal
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis former male model wanted to obtain the sleek and cut physique he had as a younger man. He came in for a consultation at Visage Clinic with Top Toronto plastic surgeon, Dr. Marc DuPéré.
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéréThis youthful 43 year old male had a very busy career in the fashion industry in Toronto and even though he exercised regularly he did not have the time to commit to an exercise regime that would
Procedure(s): Abdominal Etching, Liposuction
Surgeon: Marc DuPéré