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How to Reduce Large Ears and Earlobes

August 3rd, 2016 Share

There are several ear surgery techniques I perform to reduce prominent ears.

The most common technique most have heard of is the correction of outstanding or prominent ears, something we commonly refer to as otoplasty or ear pinning. Most of the ears this option applies to are not too large but rather stick out away from the head.

I use a combination of techniques to ensure proper back-rotation of the cartilage by using skin excision, cartilage scoring and carving, cartilage to fascia sutures, cartilage to cartilage sutures, and dissolving and permanent sutures. I also have a very

I also have a very personal way that I apply my dressing which makes relapse very unlikely and protects from subcutaneous hematoma which could lead to boxer’s ears of aka cauliflower ears. The incision in this option is behind the ear.

Other ear conditions are less heard of but ear reductions are still very common requests in a plastic surgeon’s office.

Stretched earlobes can be the result of aging, wearing heavy earrings, or serial gauging and earlobe stretching. Long earlobes can be corrected with a wedge resection of the lobes; the residual scar is fine and can be located in the middle of the lobe or where the earlobe meets the cheek. This is something we often do when performing a facelift or necklift as a way to also rejuvenate the earlobes.

Similar techniques apply to gauged earlobesbut I do recommend avoiding a spacer for 4 to 6 weeks pre-repair as it helps the blood vessels to recover from being stretched.

Finally, the least discussed is macrotia, or large ears. This is a condition of larger ears in relationship to the head. The most common macrotia I have encountered is a larger upper third in the helix and anti-helical parts of the ear. I use 2 techniques depending on the anatomy and requests of my patients. 1 technique is to excise a wedge of

The first technique is to excise a wedge of upper ear and to close the defect in layers, reducing the overall height and width of the ear. Although the scar heals very well, it is not in a true natural crease. The second technique is to excise a rather horizontal skin-cartilage crescent and to close the defect in layers. This scar is in the crease of the ear’s helix and is a powerful way to reduce the height of the ear and to a lesser extent, its width.

Most ear procedures can be done under local anesthesia and the pain post surgery is usually moderate at most. Some techniques require head dressing for protection. Cost varies depending on the techniques. Recovery also varies slightly depending on the technique but most can resume desk work the following few days.

Dr. Marc DuPéré, Toronto aesthetic plastic surgeon