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Breast / Gynecomastia & Male Chest Contouring

Gynecomastia & Male Chest Contouring

Even men with sufficient muscle mass can lack the chest definition that characterizes a healthy, strong male form. Gynecomastia (overly large male breasts) is a spectrum of physiological changes seen in males.

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Gynecomastia & Male Chest Contouring

Some men have a small amount of breast tissue, some have a conical or pointy breasts, some have enlarged areolae (brown circles around the nipples), some have a mixed excess of breast and fatty tissue and some have truly fully developed breasts. Toronto men with gynecomastia choose Dr. Marc DuPéré for his artful chest contouring procedures.

Dr. DuPéré helps men look and feel more masculine through gynecomastia surgery in Toronto. Request a consultation with Dr. Marc DuPéré or call our office at (416) 929-9800.

How Can Gynecomastia Surgery Help?

Dr. DuPéré performs male breast reduction for Toronto men with excessive fat and breast tissue in the chest, which may hide muscle definition. Gynecomastia is common in adolescent males. This condition is also seen in adults with hormonal imbalances, as well as bodybuilders, older men, and those taking certain medications. Male breast reduction is also applicable to transgender patients who wish to remove their breast tissue.

The goal of male breast reduction or chest contouring is to create a more defined chest by:

  • Removing female-looking breast tissue
  • Eliminating an obvious inframammary crease (crease under the female breast) and overhanging soft tissue
  • Reducing enlarged areolae
  • Removing fat in the outermost part of the chest wall
  • Creating flat nipple-areolar complexes and well-defined pectoral muscle edges

Dr. DuPéré’s Male Chest Contouring Techniques

Dr. DuPéré often removes fat with liposuction to reduce breast size. In many cases, he removes excess skin and glandular tissue through surgical excision. Men who undergo breast reduction may choose to enhance their chests with pectoral implants.

Recovering from Gynecomastia Surgery

Most chest contouring patients go home the day of their procedure. If needed, we can arrange a supervised overnight stay at the surgical center.

Dr. DuPéré uses drains for all chest procedures, removing them 5 to 7 days after surgery. He removes any external stitches after 7 to 10 days. Chest surgery patients wear a compression garment for 3 to 4 weeks, easily hidden under the clothes.

  • Chest contouring patients should initiate walking on the day of surgery.

  • Patients should avoid exercise for 8 weeks, and upper chest exercises for 8 to 10 weeks.

  • Most men can resume desk work after 7 to 10 days.

Potential Risks and Complications of Gynecomastia Surgery

Every procedure comes with some inherent risks. Although serious complications are very rare, Dr. DuPéré educates all of his patients about potential risks.

Those risks can include scarring, opening of the wound, discomfort for 1 to 4 weeks, bruising around the surgical sites, loss of sensation over the chest skin, and rarely of the nipples, temporary superficial skin vein clotting (not dangerous, and treatable with anti-inflammatories), asymmetry, fluid accumulation (seroma and hematomas), infection (extremely rare), bleeding, irregular contour of the areolae, nerve and vessel injury (a risk with any surgery), skin necrosis (possibly treatable with wound care), indentation of the nipple-areolar complexes, risks related to liposuction (dimpling, irregularity, fat embolism, excessive or insufficient fat removal, cardiovascular issues), risk associated with pectoral implants if pectoral augmentation is performed at the same time, and general anesthesia-related issues.