Introduction to Body Implants and Etching
Dr. DuPéré is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has a strong interest in body implants. At his Toronto-based facility, Dr. DuPéré performs more varied implant procedures than most other Canadian plastic surgeons.
In addition to performing facial implants (chin, cheek, etc.), Dr. Marc DuPéré is recognized as a leading Canadian plastic surgeon for implant surgeries; performing breast augmentations since 2001 and buttock, pectoral, hip and calf implants since 2003.
Since 2005, he has also finessed the muscle contouring procedures – also called etching – where almost any muscle group can be sculpted.
Most body implant procedures are for cosmetic enhancements, however, Dr. DuPéré also performs these procedures for various congenital and acquired body defects: Poland’s syndrome, pectus excavatum (caved-in chest bone), pectus carinatum (pigeon-chest), polyo, calf underdevelopment post club foot surgery (talipes calcaneus/talipes equinovarus), gynecomastia and various implant and body lift procedures for post-massive weight loss. Any of these conditions often affect a patient’s confidence and self-esteem.
Pectoral implants are often used for Poland’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, pectus excavatum and carinatum and post-gynecomastia surgery
Calf implants are often used for calf underdevelopment, post club foot surgery, spinal surgery or after polio.
Buttock implants are frequently used post-weight loss, often combined with a body lift.
Dr. Marc DuPéré also commonly uses body implants in transgender patients to help reshape the body into a more feminine or masculine shape. For example, hip implants are commonly used to give a more lower hip curvature.
This website is meant to be informative and will discuss the various procedures performed by Dr. Marc DuPéré, as well as, the characteristics for the ideal patient and their recovery. As with any surgery, risks and complications are possible. They are all discussed in detail on the following pages. An informed patient needs to have a clear understanding of the various possible outcomes, although complications are rare; only then, he or she can make an informed decision.
Ultimately, when body implant surgery is performed for either cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, the goal is always to improve the patient’s self-esteem, confidence and ultimately his or her quality of life.