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Blog / Newsletter Archive / August 2016 Newsletter...

August 2016 Newsletter

August 1st, 2016 Share

Put Your Best Chin Forward

BELKYRA™, a treatment designed to reduce the double chin, is the newest offering at our Toronto plastic surgery practice. And to say we’re loving it is an understatement! Any time we can offer a beauty treatment that not only offers effective results, but offers those results nonsurgically and with little downtime, we’re in!

To learn more about this BELKYRA, read Dr. DuPéré’s blog post: Double Chin Beware: BELKYRA™ (aka KYBELLA®) Comes to Canada.

Learn more about facelift in Toronto

Procedure Spotlight: Facelift

Turn back the hands of time. The facelift continues to be one of the most popular procedures Dr. DuPéré performs. When considering the procedure there are often many questions regarding downtime and expected results. Fortunately, Dr. DuPéré is extremely passionate about the procedure and has put together a variety of blog posts to help better educate possible facelift candidates.

Ask the Surgeon: What Are the Keys to a Successful Facelift?
Men Also Want Facelifts
Why Add a Chin Implant to a Facelift?
Toronto Facelift: to SMAS or not to SMAS?

Fall and winter are the perfect time to undergo a facelift procedure, so if you’re considering we urge you schedule a consultation with Dr. DuPéré soon so he can guide you in the direction of rejuvenation.

Follow Toronto plastic surgeon on Instagram

Through the Lens of Dr. DuPéré

Social media gives the world the opportunity to connect. If you already follow Visage Clinic on Facebook, then we’re sure you know how Dr. DuPéré likes to keep you updated on the day-to-day happenings at our Yorkville location.

Not too long ago, Dr. DuPéré started an Instagram account and LOVES to share his day-to-life with the world. Whether it’s behind the scenes in the OR, a photo of the latest charitable event he is proudly supporting, or a glimpse at what he’s created for dinner with the vegetables from his garden – he truly enjoys taking the time to showcase who he is and what Visage Clinic stands for.

So, if you’re on Instagram check out his profile and hit follow!